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City Outline

"Just a small-town girl...

with big city dreams!"

My Story

Hey friend! I'm Sarah B!

This is my journey.  The one you rarely hear.  What started out as an ordinary life, has become an extraordinary adventure.  One that has changed the trajectory of our life and legacy.

I live in a city, but I’m rooted in so many values from being raised in a small town at a young age!

about story

I grew up in Minnesota, in a town of 300 people, where my dad owned a small Nursery.  I learned hard work, customer service, and the importance of being dedicated to a dream at a very young age!  I watched him get up early, work long hours, but love every minute of actualizing his dream.  I spent the last summer with my Dad on the back of a tree planter earning a penny for every tree that was planted. 

Unfortunately, my Dad was killed in a train truck accident when I was 12, and although he was no longer with us, I found myself often resonating on so many moments where he was ‘about the people’.  I knew at the age of 12 that I wanted to serve people like he did.

At the same time, my mom has been a powerful influence.  If you asked her, she’d tell you that I am probably more like my dad.  But the reality is she has been a force for good in my life.  She has shaped my future.  She was a single Mom raising three girls in subsidized housing.  Somehow, I never felt like we didn’t have anything, she made us feel like we had a great life.  I know it couldn’t have been easy.

Little did we know, the day my mom met my Step-Dad, our lives would change for the better, forever!  We met my Step-brother when he was 5, and then my parents had two more kids, a brother and a sister!  We were the perfect American family; your’s, mine, and ours!

When we were young kids my step-dad worked road construction, and my mom ran a day-care. Just like me, they had entrepreneurial dreams that were bigger than their current circumstances.  Over time, they started and owned two very successful companies that are still operating today.

I don’t think they ever thought that the decisions they were making, and the risks they were taking, would change our generation for the better.  I am forever grateful for the example my dad and my mom & step dad set for us!  It helped each of us understand that anyone could build a business of their own if they had the passion and grit to do so.

In high school, I wasn’t the straight A student, I was the visionary dreaming about the future.  I wanted this ‘big city life’ and had no idea how I would attain it, but somehow I always believed it was possible.  In College, I discovered my real passion; selling solutions to clients.  The fire was lit after winning an award for selling the most in my class.  It wasn’t the sales aspect; it was helping someone with a solution that they were seeking.  Over time my greatest joy has become helping satisfied customers!

Enter Network Marketing

One of my classmates invited me to her apartment to check out the inventory she had just purchased from a network marketing company.  I was obsessed with the inventory in her closet.  Fast forward a couple of years down the road long story short, and I joined the same company.  I definitely didn’t think it would be long term, especially because I couldn’t even introduce myself in front of a room.  To my surprise, I loved it, and ended up reaching the top 2% of the company quickly, earning countless awards and prizes including 5 career cars. I stayed with that company for 16 years and loved every minute of it. 

Enter Corporate America

After 16 years of building a business I decided to do something super unconventional and move from the field to the Corporate Office.  I took a job for a small networking marketing company in Minnesota.  My role was to teach the top leaders what I had learned to do for 16 years.   I worked there for 4 years with some of my favorite people to this day!  I learned a ton in the process and was mentored by people that are on my list of favorite bosses ever.

They say that the most influential people in your life are your most dominant parent, your favorite teacher, and your best boss.  I’ve been lucky to have a few of those cross my path!  All three of my parents, a few teachers, and a couple of bosses who I still consider close friends and mentors!

My husband and I never expected to leave Minnesota.  Our entire family and network of friends was there.  But, I was recruited by a few fast growing multi-billion $ companies.  The opportunity to change our families financial future was just to good to pass up.  With each move, my career took new shape.  I learned and grew in ways that allowed me to eventually take a President role for the North American Market. Managing over a billion $ producing market is certainly exciting and at the same time exhausting…. especially pre and post pandemic.

Most people would tell you that I look like I had it all together on the outside, but the truth was, that I was falling apart on the inside and so was my family.

For probably 2 years I had been fighting weight gain not really knowing what I was dealing with, and as the scale climbed, the pandemic hit and I couldn’t get in to see a doctor.  I let it go for a long time, and finally I looked 14 months pregnant, but deathly thin everywhere else.  I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst.  The cyst was so large that they couldn’t tell which ovary it was connected to.  Eventually I was able to get in for surgery, there was no cancer (praise God!), and my parting gift from the doctor was to let me know that the cyst was 44 pounds.  What a weight loss plan!

With the pandemic in full swing, challenges in school, media, you name it…. Our daughter developed severe OCD that for some time, was almost debilitating.  During the same time my son tried committing suicide due to bulleying that was happening at school - we were oblivious. 

Life was taking a toll on our family!

So we made the difficult decision that I would leave my corporate career and take a year off.  I found myself at the age of 48 kind of having a mid-life crisis of sorts and trying to figure out what I was going to do for the ‘best half’ of my life!

And no surprise to anyone… my time off only lasted about two months.

Enter The Mental Wellness Company

This amazing Mental Wellness Company offered a solution that our entire family desperately needed!  Products that focused on healing the mind through healing the gut.  Desperate not to put my kids on medication and not to need any myself, I tried these holistic products and in less than two weeks, all of us could see differences!

Happy Juice, Mood+, MentaFocus, were our initial life savers!  Today we take nearly everything the company offers because the products are focused on the Gut-Brain-Heart Axis and it supports all of the research I’ve done for the past 18 years!

Sarah B The BWell Company

Never in a million years did I think that I would be back in the field, building my own brand, in partnership with a new company.  But here I am.  Two years in, 100,000 customers & brand partners later, well over $3 million in monthly sales, countless leaders in our organization, and dreams bigger than I ever thought I could dream as a child.

I’m so grateful for this journey and for all the stops along the way!

I guess it was worth it for this small town girl to keep the big city dreams!


Sarah B


  • 33 Years in Sales & Network Marketing
  • 13 Years as a Corporate Executive
  • 20 Years as an Entrepreneur
  • Votes one of Utah's 30 Women to Watch
  • Earned Silver Stevie Award for Lifetime Achievement in Her Industry
  • Reached the Rank of Diamond in 4 Months
  • Reached the Rank of Presidential Diamond in 14 Months
  • Built an organization of over 50,000 people in less than 24 months
  • Proud to represent a $45 Million dollar, rapidly growing, organization!
  • One of the top 13 organizations in her Company
  • Married to Husband Bryan for over 20 years
  • Son, Cale and Daughter, Laken
  • Currently living in Draper, UT
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