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What If...

becoming the healthiest version of yourself allowed you to find freedom in all areas of your life?


This is the sign you've been waiting for.

I left my job as a burned-out Corporate Executive to join the Mental Wellness Movement full-time!

I thought it was too good to be true!

Sarah B

13 years into Corporate America, and nowhere was there a message in a handbook to teach you how to handle the stress of managing over a billion-dollar producing market. Although I loved collaborating with other people, strategizing on how to grow the business, and helping others be successful... the stress got the better of me. I found myself dealing with a 44lb ovarian cyst that required surgery, a daughter that had succumb to the limitations of OCD, and my son who was dealing with suicidal thoughts. Our family was falling apart and everyone needed time to heal, including me!

I didn't see this coming

I chose to leave my Corporate Job and quickly found myself pursuing Affiliate Marketing with The Mental Wellness Company!  You see, because of everything I was dealing with…finding The Mental Wellness Company couldn’t have been a better answer to prayers!  The products truly saved my family a second time.  18 years ago, we healed our bodies from disease by getting rid of toxins.  In this moment we needed something different, we needed mental wellness support!  After my 18 year health journey, I knew better.  I knew there was a holistic solution out there so that we didn’t have to resort to medication if at all possible.

What's even better is that this company allowed me to become a Brand Partner to their product line and share my experience with others! Three years later we have broken nearly every company record, have built a team of over 100,000 customers and brand partners who love these holistic products! Plus, we've developed systems to allow the same success to duplicate for anyone who wants to join us!

Curious what pulled me from a multi-six figure corporate income and made me choose to chase my own dreams?

Sarah B

The Mental Wellness Revolution

Find a happier home and happier world here!

With everything the world has been through the past few years, it’s no wonder that you are hearing about Mental Wellness everywhere.  The news, your schools, athletes, and musicians are all talking openly about their own struggles with Mental Wellness.  This creates an amazing opportunity for YOU to help so many people you know that are likely struggling as much as my family was, or potentially even more.

When you get rid of the toxins in your home, and improve your gut health, the happiness that can be achieved quite honestly might astound you!

I guarantee that countless people in your circle of influence are silently struggling and YOU could be the answer for their family!  Did you know that more than 50% of people will be diagnosed with a mental disorder or illness at some point in their lifetime?

What if this could change everything for you and your circle of influence?

The average American family right now needs $900-$1200 in additional income per month based on the current rates of inflation.  This isn’t to increase their standard of living, it’s just so they don’t fall behind on their obligations.  This breaks my heart for anyone in this situation.

I’ve been on both sides of money, and falling behind every month is devastating. But it doesn’t have to be this way!

Let's change lives together!

Sarah B

My goal is your success, whatever that looks like to you!  No matter what you want to do, I am here for it and here to support and mentor you every step of the way!

Interested in Joining My Team?

Be part of a community that's strong, driven, passionate and wants you to succeed!

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