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  • Writer's pictureSarah B

Got Your Hormone Test Results?

Here’s What to Do Next (and Yes, It’s More Than Just Panicking) 🧪😅

"Well, look at you, officially adulting with those hormone test results in hand! 🥳 Whether you’re feeling like a science whiz or just wondering if you need a decoder ring to understand all those numbers, don’t worry—I’ve got your back. It’s time to take those results and turn them into action steps that’ll have you feeling like the queen of balanced hormones 👑 (or at least getting closer). So, let’s dive in and figure out what to do now that you’ve got your results—because no, you can’t just frame them and call it a day!"

Decode the Mystery—Understanding Your Results

"Okay, so you’ve got your results, and they’re full of numbers, percentages, and terms that look like they belong in a sci-fi novel. 🤖 But don’t sweat it! Here’s a quick and dirty guide to the key hormones you should care about (and why they might be misbehaving)."

  • Estrogen: The diva of your hormone squad—when she’s on point, you’re glowing. 🌟 When she’s not, well, let’s just say there’s not enough concealer in the world.

  • Progesterone: Your chill pill hormone. 🧘‍♀️ It’s all about keeping you zen and your cycles smooth. If you’re feeling frazzled or can’t sleep, this one might be playing hooky.

  • Testosterone: The bad boy of the group—responsible for your energy, libido, and those enviable biceps 💪 (or lack thereof). Too much or too little, and things can get…interesting.

  • Cortisol: The office manager of your hormones—keeps everything running smoothly when not overloaded, but if it’s stressed, everybody’s stressed. 😬

"So, in a nutshell, if your hormones were a reality show, this would be the cast. 🎬 Now that you know who’s who, let’s figure out how to keep them all from flipping tables."

Call in the Pros—Consult with a Hormone Specialist

"Now that you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to bring in the experts. 💼 Think of your hormone specialist as the coach who can turn this ragtag team of hormones into a well-oiled machine. They’ll help you figure out what those results really mean and what you should do next. Just a heads up: This isn’t the time to consult Dr. Google—unless you want a one-way ticket to Stressville. 🚂"

Take Action—Time to Put Those Results to Work

"Alright, so you’ve had your chat with your functional doc, and now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. 💪 Here are a few ways to whip those hormones into shape—no sweatbands required (unless you’re into that sort of thing - haha)."

  • Dietary Changes: Swap out the nightly ice cream for some avocado toast. 🥑 Healthy fats = happy hormones. Focus on amping up your protein intake to 100 grams per day - building lean muscle mass makes all the difference.

  • Exercise: Time to dust off those dumbbells! 🏋️‍♀️ If your testosterone is feeling lazy, give it a boost with some strength training. Go for 3- 30 minute strength training sessions a week.

  • Stress Management: Consider this your official permission to binge-watch Netflix 📺 (in moderation) as part of your stress-reduction strategy. If Netflix isn't our jam, tray meditation or journaling.

  • Sleep: Hit the hay, darling. Your hormones will thank you for getting those 8 hours of beauty rest. 😴

"If your cortisol levels are through the roof, it might be time to trade in that third cup of coffee ☕ for a calming herbal tea—or, you know, at least make it a half-caff."

Supplement or HRT or BOTH? Let’s Get Real

"Sometimes, all the kale 🥬 and yoga in the world just won’t cut it. If your hormones need a little extra love, your functional doc might suggest some supplements or bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Whether it’s a dash of progesterone cream or a well-chosen supplement, remember: There’s no shame in giving your body the help it needs."

"And don’t worry—this doesn’t mean you’re falling apart. It just means you’re savvy enough to know when to call in reinforcements. 🦸‍♀️ After all, even Wonder Woman had her Lasso of Truth!"


"So, there you have it! Getting your hormone test results is just the start of your wellness adventure. 🛤️ With a little knowledge, some expert advice, and a few strategic lifestyle changes, you’re well on your way to hormone harmony. 🎉 Now go forth and conquer your day—because balanced hormones mean a balanced life (or at least a less cranky one). You’ve got this! 💪"

"Ready to keep the wellness train rolling? 🚂 Subscribe to my blog for more tips and tricks, or download my FREE tool, 5 Steps to Total Body & Health Transformation in the Resources section of my website ( In this tool I share how I was able to balance my hormones, lose 36 lbs, and drop 6 sizes. You can do this too! ✨"

Let's get off the hormone roller coaster and back into feeling vibrant again!

Sarah B


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