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  • Writer's pictureSarah B

Pass the Food, NOT the Germs!


In just a few days many of us will be surrounded by extended family and friends!   It’s the best part of the holidays and a time that brings us each so much joy!  But the down side from the holidays can be coming home with an unwanted illness after surrounding ourselves with lots of people.


During the winter months it’s unfortunately common to pass around a cold, the flu, and a virus or two.  This is mostly due to being indoors more and lack of vitamin D from direct sunlight.  But there are some easy ways you can boost your immune system so you don’t come home with an unwanted gift this holiday season.


Check out my simple immune boosters that can make all the difference!

Make Healthy Choices

It’s important to eat a balanced diet.  Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats in your meals.  Look for foods that are high in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C (citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers), and zinc (pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, lentils).  Bonus if you can get in; garlic, ginger, turmeric, yogurt, kefir, or any fermented food!


H2O – Stay Hydrated

Drinking at least half your body weight (in ounces) of water can boost immunity.  It helps at a cellular level to fight off disease as well as supporting the Lymphatic System which helps fluids to transport immune cells and antibodies throughout the entire body!  Plus water helps the body’s ability to detoxify and remove waste.


Drink Holiday Cocktails in Moderation

Alcohol can directly affect the function of the immune cells, such as white blood cells, which play a crucial role in defending the body against infections.  The ability of these cells to recognize and destroy pathogens may be compromised. 


Get Enough Sleep

Aim for 7-9 hours of a good night’s rest!  I know your time is more limited but if you plan your bedtimes when you get your day started you can more easily alter the activities that happen.  A well-rested body has the best chance to fight off illnesses of all kinds.


Wash Your Hands

We all knows this… but it’s sometimes easy to go from one thing to another without a pit stop along with way to wash your hands.  Practicing good hand hygiene is crucial for preventing the spread of infections.


Take Supplements

Although the previous 5 are important, this one is probably my favorite!  I love knowing that there are holistic options to support the root of your health instead of waiting until you are sick to treat a problem.


While it’s important to get nutrients from a well-balanced diet, certain supplements may help support and BOOST the immune system.  Here are some of my favorite supplement ingredients:

  • Vitamin C  

  • Vitamin D

  • Zinc

  • Elderberry

  • Echinacea

  • Garlic

  • Turmeric / Curcumin

  • Quercetin

  • Vitamin A

  • Selenium

  • Probiotics

  • Wellmune


Don’t panic!  I’m certainly not taking all of these as individual supplements. 

Some of these are combined in the premium Multi-Vitamin I take.  I do however, add extra Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Probiotics, and Wellmune – especially in the winter months.


Most of the ingredients are super easy to find, however I want to caution you to STOP and really look at what you are purchasing.  It’s easy to find inexpensive supplements, but they are most likely not third party tested. They include loads of fillers your body doesn’t need making less room for the ingredient you want and essentially less effective.  Research the brand, look for third party tested products so you know the product does what it says, and look for Certification Marks like; NSF, USP, GMP, Non-GMO.  If the product you are considering does not have third-party testing, then look for certifications as they provide and extra layer of assurance regarding the quality, purity, and accuracy of the supplement labels.


Here are a few of the brands I trust:  Standard Process, Thorne, Klaire Labs, Amare Global, Garden of Life, Pure Encapsulations.  There are certainly many more great brands out there. This is just a gentle nudge to do your research before you take a bunch of supplements that don’t really do anything.


Don’t forget to check with your health care professional.  They can help you sort out what you might need based on your history and blood work.


What I know for sure, is that you may spend a little money on supplements, but it will be drastically less than waiting until you have an issue and paying for ongoing medications.  I would much rather fortify the root of my health than treat a symptom with a lab created drug.


Hopefully these tips have helped remind you of the simple things you can do to stay healthy this holiday season, and give you a few things to think about as you amp up your supplementation for the winter months!


From our home to yours, may you be filled with healthy, joy & love this holiday season!


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