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  • Writer's pictureSarah B

Peri-Menopause: A Rollercoaster Ride of Hormones and Hat Tricks!


Ah, the joys of womanhood – from teenage mood swings to childbirth surprises, we ladies are NO STRANGERS to the wild ride of hormonal fluctuations. But just when you thought you had it all figured out, along comes perimenopause, like a surprise guest at a party you didn't know you were throwing!

When I was 45 I boarded the wooden rollercoaster of peri-menopause and had no idea I wouldn't be getting off for 6 years! The initial climb was easy with no real twists and turns. Just a night here and there that I didn't sleep well, a little weight gain around the mid-section, and maybe a tad less libido. But nothing like I was ready to jump out of my seat crazy. However, just like a coaster builds momentum going up its first hill, so did the typical symptoms go. By the time I turned 46 I had gained 20+ pounds, my sleep was limited to 5 hours a night, my stress caused me to be in fight or flight, and my libido was steadily decreasing... causing me to wonder what was wrong with me. It's no secret what all of that does to your overall happiness!

It wasn't until a friend of mine at work lost 30+ pounds and I asked her what in the world she was doing. She told me she had a SECRET WEAPON: A hormone specialist. I was like "what now?"! That thought hadn't really crossed my mind.

No surprise after finding a good functional medicine doctor who specialized in hormones - I was in fact in peri-menopause! What a hat trick! I never thought in a million years When my blood work came back with the following results:

  • Low Vitamin D

  • Low Testosterone

  • Thyroid Imbalance

  • Low Progesterone

  • Low Vitamin B

  • Low DHEA

  • Borderline High Cholesterol

  • Borderline High A1C

So I opted to begin bio-identical hormones so that I could avoid many of the typical and dramatic symptoms from this rollercoaster ride!

Are you wondering what the heck is happening to your body right now? There's a lot more to the story that I'll share over time... but first, let's check in on your body and see if you might be on the ride with me?

The "Thermometer Tango":

Ever feel like you're playing a game of hot-and-cold with your own body? Welcome to the wonderful world of hot flashes! One moment you're cool as a cucumber, the next you're a walking furnace. If you find yourself reaching for the fan in the dead of winter or contemplating a permanent residency in the freezer aisle, you might just be on the brink of perimenopause.

If your symptoms are excessive, you likely have an imbalanced thyroid and imbalanced estrogen which will be easily spotted in your blood work!

Mood Swing Olympics:

Forget about gold, silver, or bronze – in perimenopause, every day is a new event in the Mood Swing Olympics! From tears over a puppy adoption commercial to laughter at a funeral, your emotions are putting on a performance worthy of an Oscar. If your mood chart resembles a rollercoaster and your loved ones are investing in emotional armor, congratulations, you're in the running for a menopausal medal!

Adaptogenic herbs can really help to balance out your moods! Check out Amare's Mood+, it's been a game changer for me!

The Great Bathroom Breakout:

Remember when you used to laugh at those "I sneezed and peed" jokes? Well, joke's on you now! Welcome to the bladder rebellion – where coughing, laughing, or even breathing can trigger an unexpected leak. If you find yourself scouting out the nearest restroom like a detective on a case, congratulations, you might just be in the early stages of perimenopause!

Memory Lane Detour:

Ever walked into a room and forgot why you're there? Or found yourself searching for your glasses while they're perched on your head? Welcome to the wonderful world of memory lapses, courtesy of perimenopause! If you're experiencing brain fog thicker than San Francisco's summer fog, congratulations, you're not alone – it's just another quirky symptom of the journey ahead.

My super secret weapon that helped changed my world is Amare's MentaFocus! Not only did this product help me with clearing my brain fog, but it's been studied to reduce your brain's age by 12 years after using it consistently for a year!

The Great Hair Adventure:

Remember the days of luscious locks and effortless hairstyles? Well, say hello to the Great Hair Adventure of perimenopause! From thinning tresses to rogue chin hairs, your mane is on a mission of its own. If your hairbrush looks like a crime scene and you're considering investing in stock for tweezers, congratulations, you're officially part of the follicle fiasco!

I've added Collagen to my daily routine along with the Nutrafol supplement for stronger hair! But testosterone is surprising culprit many times here. So do yourself a favor and be sure to have a full testosterone panel done when you see your functional doc!

So, there you have it – a tongue-in-cheek look at determining if you're entering the thrilling world of perimenopause. While the journey may come with its fair share of surprises and challenges, remember that you're not alone in this adventure! You've got an entire coaster filled with friends having a blast with the same symptoms! Embrace the humor, lean on your support system, and know that this too shall pass – eventually. After all, what's life without a few laughs along the way?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go find my glasses... they're probably on my head again!


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