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  • Writer's pictureSarah B

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice (for Your Hormones)

Ah, fall—the season where we collectively lose our minds over pumpkin spice 🍂. It’s in our lattes, our candles, and let’s be honest, probably in our dreams too. But before you cozy up with your favorite PSL, let’s chat about how this seasonal shift can mess with your body—especially those all-important hormones.

The Seasonal Shift: How Fall Turns Your Hormones into a Hot Mess

As the days get shorter and your summer tan fades into a distant memory, your body starts to go through some changes. And no, I’m not talking about the urge to buy every flannel in sight. Cooler weather and less sunlight can throw your mood, energy, and even your hormones into a bit of a tailspin. So what’s a girl to do? 🤔

Supercharge Your Diet with Fall Foods (Because Pumpkin Isn’t Just for Instagram)

Sure, pumpkin spice is the Beyoncé of fall flavors, but there are other seasonal superfoods that deserve a standing ovation for keeping your hormones in check. Here’s what should be making an appearance on your plate this season:

  • Pumpkin: Yes, it’s more than just a coffee flavor. Packed with fiber and beta-carotene, pumpkin helps your body produce those feel-good hormones and keeps your digestion running smoothly. Throw it in a smoothie or go full Martha Stewart with a homemade pumpkin soup. 🎃

  • Brussels Sprouts: These mini cabbages are like little green superheroes 🦸‍♀️. Loaded with vitamins C and K, they’re great for boosting immunity and giving your liver (the hormone processor extraordinaire) a helping hand.

  • Apples: An apple a day keeps... well, everything at bay! 🍏 Full of fiber, apples help regulate blood sugar and keep those cortisol spikes (hello, stress) under control. Here is my favorite way to get in an apple a day! 1)Mix one single serve container of Too Good Vanilla Yogurt with one scoop of Caramel Toffee Clean Simple Eats Protein. 2) Cut up one Organic Honey Crisp Apple in small cubes and add it to your yogurt protien mix. 3)Sprinkle with some Lilly's Chocolate Chips!

Immunity and Hormone Harmony: Fall’s Dynamic Duo

Fall is more than just pumpkin patches and hayrides; it’s also the unofficial start of cold and flu season. But fear not, my friend—I’ve got the scoop on how to boost your immunity and balance your hormones at the same time:

  1. Sleep Like It’s Your Job: Your hormones LOVE sleep. We’re talking 7-8 hours of shut-eye to keep everything running smoothly. Plus, who doesn’t want an excuse to sleep in when it’s chilly outside? 😴

  2. Adaptogens Are Your New BFF: Herbs like ashwagandha and rhodiola can help your body chill out and keep hormones in check. It's a great time to find a supplement that is holistic and has high quality, power packed, herbs. If you need a recommendation - I've got it💪🏻! I never miss a day on this one!

  3. Move It or Lose It: Just because it’s sweater weather doesn’t mean you should hibernate. Regular exercise helps regulate your hormones and gives your immune system a boost. Plus, it’s the perfect excuse to wear those cute new leggings.👖

Cozy Vibes Without the Wellness Woes

Fall is all about comfort, but that doesn’t mean you should let your wellness routine fall apart like a leaf in October 🍁. Here’s how to keep those cozy vibes going without undoing all your hard work:

  • Sip Smarter: Instead of chugging a sugar-loaded PSL, try my FAVORITE DIY version with Mountain Cabin Organic Breakfast Blend Coffee , Super Coffee Keto Creamer in Sweet Cream, Orgain Collagen Peptides (Costco), and Organic Pumpkin Pie Spice. Your hormones will thank you, and you’ll still get your fall fix. ☕️

  • Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate: Just because it’s not blazing hot doesn’t mean you can slack on your water intake. Keep that bottle handy and aim for at least 8 glasses a day. Hydrated = happy hormones! 💧 I drink a 14 oz glass of electrolytes every night after dinner! Cuts the sweet cravings and boosts hydration! This is my favorite! Delicious Crisp Apple - perfect for all!

  • Indulge Wisely: Fall treats are delish, but moderation is key. Enjoy that pumpkin pie, but maybe balance it out with a salad or two. Your waistline (and hormones) will appreciate the effort. 🥧🥗

Final Thoughts: Falling Into Wellness Like a Pro

As we roll into fall, remember—your wellness journey doesn’t have to be more complicated than figuring out your Halloween costume. With a few tweaks to your diet and lifestyle, you can keep your hormones happy, your immune system strong, and your fall vibes on point. So go ahead, grab that pumpkin spice, but don’t forget to sprinkle in a little wellness too! 🍂✨

Happy PSL Season - the healthy way!

Sarah B


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