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  • Writer's pictureSarah B

Unwrapping the Truth: Holiday Weight Loss Myths and Realities


The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and unfortunately, and as mentioned in previous blog posts, a"little extra padding around the waistline". As the New Year approaches, the internet becomes flooded with promises of quick fixes and what seems like miraculous solutions to shed those holiday pounds. It’s time to unravel the myths surrounding holiday weight loss and reveal the truths that will guide you toward a healthier, more sustainable approach.


Myth 1: "Detox Teas and Cleanses Will Melt Away Holiday Indulgences"

Reality: While the allure of a quick detox may seem tempting, the truth is that our bodies are equipped with a natural detox system—our liver and kidneys. Rather than relying on a trendy tea, focus on hydrating with water and incorporating whole, nutrient-dense foods to support your body's natural detoxification processes. 


Tip: The only type of detox I like is one that supports re-setting your gut microbiome.  This helps to control cravings, increase your immunity, and promote better mental and physical wellness. Amare Global's product called Reboot+ is a great option to start off your new year. You will essentially reset your gut microbiome in 3 days while still eating whole food the entire time!


Myth 2: "Skip Meals to Compensate for Larger Feasts"


Reality: Skipping meals can lead to overeating later on, as hunger builds up and cravings intensify. Instead, opt for balanced meals and snacks throughout the day. Include plenty of fiber (veggies), lean proteins (beef, turkey, chicken, seafood, tofu), and healthy fats (nuts, seeds, avocados) to keep you satisfied and prevent the urge to overindulge during festive gatherings.


Tip:  When you do sit down to eat, remember to focus on eating your protein and veggies first, then sprinkle in carbohydrates. 


Myth 3: "Cardio is the Only Way to Burn Off Holiday Calories"


Reality: While cardio can be an excellent way to burn calories, incorporating strength training into your routine can boost your metabolism and contribute to long-term weight loss.  Personally, I focus heavier on strength training as lean muscle does burn fat, and add in a little cardio each week.  If you’ve taken an extended vacation from getting some daily exercise...  start with something easy, like taking a daily walk! 


Tip:  If you don’t have a clue what to do or where to start, download an app that gives you easy to follow workouts.  Better yet, if you have the financial means, go to your local gym and hire a trainer.  They will teach you the best form and workouts to reach your desired results.  Most only require one session a week for 30 minutes in order to provide you with a couple more workouts to do on your own and meal planning ideas. 


Myth 4: "All Holiday Treats are Off-Limits"

Reality: Depriving yourself of holiday treats can lead to feelings of guilt and frustration. Instead of an all-or-nothing approach, practice mindful indulgence. Allow yourself to savor your favorite holiday treats in moderation, focusing on quality over quantity.


Keep in mind if you’ve filled your body with lean protein, veggies, and complex carbohydrates FIRST, you are likely to crave less making it easier to be mindful about what you want to enjoy.


Myth 5: "The Scale Is the Only Measure of Success"


Reality: Weight fluctuates for various reasons, including water retention and muscle gain. Relying solely on the scale can be misleading. Pay attention to how your clothes fit, your energy levels, and how you feel overall. Non-scale victories are just as important on your journey to a healthier you.


Tip:  If you want a more accurate reading on what’s really happening inside your body with the balance of water, muscle, and fat (especially visceral fat around your organs) opt for a med-spa or gym that performs InBody scans or a location near you that will do a Dexa Body scan.  Either of them can give you a truer reading than standing on a scale.  Personally, I do an InBody scan at the beginning of every month at my local gym.


Myth 6: "You Can 'Bank' Calories Before Holiday Parties"


Reality: Saving up calories beforehand may seem like a strategy, but it often leads to overeating and making less nutritious choices during the event. Instead, maintain a balanced and nourishing diet leading up to the festivities, so you can enjoy the celebration without feeling deprived.


Myth 7: "Holiday Weight Gain Is Inevitable"


Reality: While indulging during the holidays is part of the celebration, it doesn't mean inevitable weight gain. By adopting mindful eating habits, staying active, and making realistic choices, you can enjoy the festivities without compromising your overall health and well-being.


In conclusion, navigating the holiday season doesn't require extreme measures or drastic changes. Separating fact from fiction empowers you to make informed choices that support your health and fitness goals. Embrace a balanced approach, savor the holiday moments, and step into the New Year with a mindset focused on sustainable well-being rather than temporary fixes. After all, the greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of a healthy, happy you.

Happy New Year!


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