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  • Writer's pictureSarah B

What if it's not your fault?

For most of us, this time of year is when many expect to gain weight. In fact, we subconsciously tell ourselves that it’s ‘ok’ to gain weight because we can get serious in the new year, right? We’ve convinced ourselves that five extra pounds will come off just as easy as we put in on, and the joy of being overstuffed alongside our loved ones is worth it. But the truth is, we are lying to ourselves with these beliefs, and we know it. Most of us rarely lose the five pounds we put on during the holidays, making us feel even worse in our own skin when the new year strikes.

Advertisement after advertisement sells you on believing that you have to have the traditional meal at your holiday filled with deserts, sweet potatoes with marshmallows & brown sugar, holiday mocktails or cocktails, you name it. You see sugar cookies on tv, and you are already thinking about how they are going to taste, making you crave them even more!

What if it’s not your fault?

What if it’s your microbiome’s fault that’s making you crave all of these sugary, high carb treats? There’s a strong chance that your microbiome is sending the wrong signals and sabotaging your goals. Let’s be honest, you certainly didn’t give approval for these signals because if you knew how they worked, you’d never say "YES, send them – make me gain weight"! It’s a travesty really, brought on by toxic chemicals in our food. But just like our first brain, the second brain can learn to change! If... we start reprogramming our mindset and our microbiome earlier in the month. There’s a chance that your thoughts and your cravings will change …and your pants size won’t!

So, what do I do, you ask?

Make a decision to prepare healthier options!

If you leave the decision to the dinner table, the dinner table will win! Share your goals around healthier eating with your family and get your family on board! Get them involved with the meal planning. When it's their idea, they will be more likely to be excited!

Research healthy recipes for traditional favorites!

Take your typical favorites and turn them into a low sugar, low carb option. Example: Instead of making sweet potatoes with loads of brown sugar and marshmallows, try this!

RECIPE: Dice sweet potatoes in one-inch squares, toss in coconut oil, sprinkle with cinnamon, and roast at 375 for about 45 minutes.

They will taste nearly the same with a fraction of the negative impact on your microbiome!

Remove inflammatory foods for 3 days early in the month!

Giving your microbiome a break from inflammatory foods will help to reset the environment and prepare it for new and important pre, pro, and phytobiocs that are responsible for changing your cravings! This will help you avoid the junk food as the holidays approach! I promise you won’t die and you won’t starve. On the morning of the 4th day, you will feel like an entirely new person! Here are some suggestions for your 3 day reset below...

Avoid: alcohol, caffeine, sweeteners (sugar, refined sugar, cane sugar/juice, corn syrup, maple syrup, honey, artificial or added sweeteners. *Stevia is ok. Avoid processed foods, all dairy, all animal products, soy products, oils (vegetable, canola soybean, and anything partially hydrogenated), fruit juices, fruit spreads / preserves, grains (rice, quinoa, wheat, oats, barley, pasta, bread, cereal, tortilla’s, oatmeal, granola), vegetables (white potatoes, corn, creamed vegetables).

Eat More: vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, brussel sprouts, red and green lettuce, romain, spinach, endives, artichokes, dandelion greens, celery, parsley, carrots, onions, yams/sweet potatoes, mushrooms, bok choy) fruits (apples, pears, raspberries, acai blueberries, black berries, grapefruits, kiwis, lemons, pomegranates, bananas, tomatoes), legumes (lentils, peas, chickpeas/hummus, beans (except refried), oils/fats (coconut oil, olive oil, avocadoes, coconut meat), herbal teas(chamomile, mint, rooibos, ginger, dandelion root, hibiscus), milks (almond, coconut, hemp or rice – all unsweetened).

Find a GOOD supplement that includes pre-biotics, pro-biotics, & phyto-biotics.

These biotics are responsible for repopulating your gut with balanced and GOOD bacteria! They will keep you healthier overall and help you reduce the cravings for sugar and carbs!

Re-introduce inflammatory foods slowly.

Listen to your body, and if you feel bloated or gassy after eating one of these foods – they probably do not agree with you. Stick to foods that make you feel good! Going forward, I highly recommend staying away from processed food, refined sugar, and white, starchy carbs.

Drink lots of water.

Water is the one thing you cannot live without and it’s the thing that so many of us skimp on! Water helps your body flush out toxins and it helps your colon move waste effectively.

Hint: Take your body weight and divide it in half. That is the perfect starting goal in ounces. Example: If you weigh 160 pounds, you will want to drink 80 oz of water every day. If you do not love water, add fruit and or mint to flavor your water – it’s a delicious option to help you get more water in!

Don’t wear your pie pants to dinner!

In my family it’s a common question to ask “what are you wearing for dinner?” Secretly we are all hoping that the response is “comfy clothes”. We know that means anything with a stretchy waist band so we can eat what we want. But I want to encourage you NOT to wear your pie pants! Wearing something that’s your size will help you begin to feel a little uncomfortable the moment you start to overeat!

When we clean up our microbiome, we can almost guarantee that our belly's will be full with tasty, nutritious, food but there will be no need to start the new year off in a new size of jeans!

B.Happy, B.Healthy, B.WELL!


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