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  • Writer's pictureSarah B

Where it all Started...

For years and years I have been around toxic chemicals. From fertilizer on the farm to cleaning supplies at jobs and in my own home. Even though my house smelled like pine, and everything was disinfected, I had no idea what these chemicals were doing inside my body.

After our son Cale was born he started experiencing asthmatic behavior, and after a visit to the pediatrician, they confirmed that he had a light case of asthma. I was heartbroken. It felt like my fault, something I did or didn’t do as a new mom! The pediatrician was never trained on toxic chemicals in the home, even though he was one of the most skilled pediatricians in our area. Naturally, he couldn’t give me any root cause advice, nor was it even a consideration during our conversation, instead we went the typical route ‘treating the symptom’ with an inhaler or steroids.

Sarah B

I had to be my son's advocate. You have to do the same!

That day, I began on an 18 year health journey where much of my own research allowed us to take a different path. We essentially healed our bodies, and reset our Microbiome. (We’ll discuss the Microbiome in the next blog.)

A good friend of mine, Yvette Zona, shared a story with me about the day she transitioned from a toxic to a non-toxic home. After she did her own research and found some products that she felt good about using, she bundled up all of the typical cleaning supplies around her home that you might find on store shelves and put them in a bin next to her garbage can. After garbage pick up there was a note on the bin stating that they could not dispose of the items because they were toxic chemicals. I was outraged the minute she shared her story. WHY doesn’t anyone, anywhere, educate you on the harmful effects of these chemicals?

Sarah B

Using toxic cleaning supplies in the home can have several negative consequences, both for your health and the environment. Here are some disadvantages:

Health Risks:

  • Respiratory Issues: Many toxic cleaning products emit fumes that can irritate the respiratory system, leading to conditions such as asthma or exacerbating existing respiratory problems.

  • Skin Irritation: Contact with certain cleaning chemicals can cause skin irritation, allergies, or even chemical burns.

  • Eye Irritation: Some cleaning products can cause eye irritation, redness, and discomfort upon contact.

Environmental Impact:

  • Air and Water Pollution: Harsh chemicals in cleaning products can contribute to air and water pollution when they evaporate or are washed down the drain.

  • Harm to Aquatic Life: Chemical residues from cleaning products that find their way into water bodies can harm aquatic ecosystems and marine life.

Indoor Air Quality:

  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Many cleaning products release volatile organic compounds into the air, which can contribute to poor indoor air quality. Long-term exposure to VOCs can have various health effects.

Allergies and Sensitivities:

  • Allergic Reactions: Harsh chemicals may trigger allergies or sensitivities in individuals, leading to symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, or skin rashes.

Hazardous Waste:

  • Disposal Issues: Some cleaning products are considered hazardous waste, and their improper disposal can pose environmental risks. This includes the disposal of empty containers.

Children and Pet Safety:

  • Accidental Ingestion: Children and pets may be more susceptible to accidentally ingesting toxic substances, as they may come into contact with cleaned surfaces or residue.

Resistance and Superbugs:

  • Antibacterial Resistance: The use of antibacterial cleaning agents can contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which is a growing concern in public health.


  • Healthcare Costs: Health issues arising from exposure to toxic cleaning supplies can lead to increased healthcare costs.

To address these disadvantages, many people are opting for environmentally friendly, non-toxic cleaning alternatives. These alternatives often use natural ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils, which are effective for cleaning without the harmful side effects associated with many commercial cleaning products.

As you can imagine after just some light research, I was compelled to begin making the change from toxic to non-toxic in hopes that it would heal my son's asthmatic episodes.

I was motivated and I didn't want to give our son medicine if I didn't have to.

I started small.

First, I shifted my standard cleaning supplies, and dish products to a non-toxic brand that I felt good about. It was a change. The same smell that I was accustomed to when everything was clean now became something a bit more earthy. I didn’t love it, but I understood the benefits. I pressed on and after 30-45 days, Cale no longer had ANY asthmatic symptoms, and 18 years later - still asthma free.

I shouldn’t have been surprised. The information had always been there. But now I had a need to know it. And that day I vowed to share this information with everyone I loved!

That research allowed our daughter Laken to avoid any issues with her breathing. One decision made a difference for generations to come in our household.

Our non-toxic lifestyle has continued and progressed over the years with loads of benefits and positive changes for our family! I can’t wait to educate you on where this path has taken us!

Make the switch for your family. You’ll never know what health issues you are avoiding for your family's future.

Meet Cale. The change was worth it!

Sarah B

Sarah B


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